Incoming: Gent, from Mama Belgium

Today I suspiciously watched a pink jeep pull up to my mailbox( I’ve been on the lookout for Hooligans ever since they spray painting incident 😛 ) and drop off a postcard and some spam.

It was a nice little surprise postcard from Mama Belgium who sent it from Gent while waiting for a train. Nawww ❤ Nothing makes me feel more special than a random send like that, she was just sitting there and thought of us (Well, Ama is her son, so I guess she thinks of him/us often, but still! ). I was pretty happy to get a Gent card too, Gent is where it all started for us, in fact, one of the multiviews is actually a shot from the bridge where we met!! ❤ .

wpid-wp-1429196288399.jpegAnyway, it made me smile for sure, but also has left me craving a nice little walk around Gent on a sunny day with an ice cream. *sigh*

As the quote goes;

“You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.” – Miriam Adeney